• Launching the portfolio of local content ambassadors


    ​Gentlemen/ Members of the Chamber


    Asharqia Chamber presents you with its best regards and informs you that it has received the letter of the Council of Saudi Chambers No. (42503977) and the date (10/10/1442), concerning the letter of the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority No. (003823-42-205) and the date (10/13/1442) Concerning the cooperation agreement concluded between the authority and the council on (2/2/1441), and as a continuation of the tireless efforts to empower the private sector and facilitate their access to information related to the development of local content and its development journey, and to this end, the authority puts in your hands the "portfolio of local content ambassadors" which includes all materials related to local content and its implementation and measurement mechanisms at the level of government procurement, in addition to the systems, regulations, guidelines and all models for achieving local content requirements in government competitions, and many visual materials that explain the concept of local content, its mechanisms, and the authority’s strategy in developing.​​

    For inquiries, you can visit the following link: (https://cutt.us/AwmbW), and for more information, you can contact the representative of the authority, Mr. Saleh bin Fahd Al-Hudayeb, Mobile number: (0599160045) Email: (shudaib@lcgpa.gov.sa)​

    Sincerely yours


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